Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Something new...

I've been trying to do a better job about feeding Ainsley what we eat. Tonight she had some chicken noodle soup from whole foods. Her first chicken (at least, not-pureed). I think she actually liked it. At least, she made less faces than normal. I mixed the broth with her rice. I could swear the bubble over her head read
pretty tasty

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Teething isn't fun.

Ainsley cries sometimes now.

Monday, October 27, 2008

You missed it....

Little Ms. A missed mommy running yet another marathon this weekend, competing in the 33rd Marine Corps Marathon with Aunt Meghan.

While Daddy and big brother H traipsed around DC struggling to keep up, Ainsley spent the day at home with Gramma, and practiced teething.

I think the coolest part was how excited she was when we all came home! She was SOOOO excited to see everyone, that I think even in Mommy's exhausted state, she was still able to sweep her up and give HUGE hugs!

I think this photo may have been from the night before, but close enough!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

You want me to do what???

So, not only do we dunk the babies underwater at swim class, this Saturday we also dressed them in life jackets. Even when the kids weren't screaming, most parents hovered over them. My kid laid on her back and floated away. Every now and then she'd kick a leg or what-have-you. If she'd had a bottle she'd have been all set!
She in fact DOES react to these situations, but she recovers fast and adjusts. It's not that nothing phases her, she is just quick to snap back to happy and mellow. It's awesome! I am trying to take a lesson from her!
But she was so cute just floating in the pool! Cutest thing ever ever ever!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

In the great green room...

As you can see from the photo below, Harry's new "thing" is to read to Ainsley.

We realized the other night, that we need to get Miss A into a better routine in the evening... better in the sense of doing more than just getting a tub, pajama-ed, and off to bed.

Harry had an entire post-bath playtime (still does) with his various stacking toys, blocks, squeaky things, you name it. Once the last track on the CD he still goes to bed to would come on (his "nigh-night" song), it'd be off to sleep.

Time to get Ainsley on that rotation.

So Harry has migrated (with some help from Mommy) a bunch of his board books into Ainsley's room, and we've started moving some of Harry's playtime out of his bedroom and into her's.

Tonight, Harry read Goodnight Moon to Ainsley. He got almost the whole thing, and Ainsley was hanging on every word. It was GREAT!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gotta Get A Pic!

Ainsley is fascinated with Bailey, and vice versa. Now that Bailey somehow lost 5 pounds, she and Ainsley are closer in size than Bailey and Harry. Ainsley gets up on her knees and they face each other, until either Ainsley giggles or Bailey kisses her. Neither like the reaction much, but they seem to really liek each other.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Ainsley giggles all of the time. It's the greatest thing ever!
P.S. If you look closely in the shot below, you can see those teeth!

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I miss my little bunny.

I've been too sick to play with her this week :-(

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Little Crawler

I don't think I can even count on one hand the number of times I have had to wake Harry up in the morning. The number is increasing for Ainsley however. She's a sleepy head! Could be because she's having trouble going to sleep at night. As soon as she is in her crib, she gets up on her knees and cries. I think the stress of learning to crawl is getting to her. It's keeping her up at night (until 7:15 one night this week!). And she's exhausted from the task. All that, and a new tooth! So busy.