Monday, September 28, 2009

My Little Pixie

"Here!" Ainsley says to me, while sitting on the sofa and handing me a piece of tissue.
I very kindly responded "You know where the trash can is!"
She stared at me for a few seconds, hand outstretched. I thought she might cry. Instead, she rolls onto her tummy, slides off of the sofa feet first, runs to the trashcan and throws out the tissue. She's so smart!
Later, while sorting through her clothes, I had her help out again.
"Here's a wash cloth to give to daddy for your tub. This onesie needs to go in the trash."
So, she takes teh washcloth to daddy, and then runs out of teh room with Kevin staring after her. Clink. The trashcan lid closes! We've had much more success with her training than Bailey's!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fun with Munchkins

This evening, while using the front lawn as the big red mat, we taught Ainsley how to Ta-Da. She stands with hands on her hips, does a forward roll, then says ta-da! I really need to find a competition cheer squad for her. She's a natural!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Music to my ears!

Ainsley exclaimed as she located this evenings pajamas. :-)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Menike would be so proud!

Harry had a very rough day this today...Kindergarten, swimming, new friends, pumpkin patch, two wheeling, play dates...He was a wreck. I asked AInsley to give him a hug and kiss and cheer him up. She threw in a "Love You!" for free!
Speaking of how wonderful AInsley is, I was also impressed with her spatial relations and fine motor skills in putting the pieces together in one of Harry's wooden block puzzles.
She also kicked butt at gym class. She's teh youngest in the class, and the tiniest. I think her size (or lack thereof) aids in her ability to impress people. But she holds her own. They ran out of colored balls in class, so they handed her a soccer ball instead. She took it, shouted
and kicked it around the room. She rocks.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Moving on to sentences...

Ainsley follows directions well, and since she is a girl, she tends to know where things are and be able to locate them. Today when I asked her to get her milk, she walked around for a few seconds and said
I don't see it.
I swear, she's 45 already! Some days it seems like she was never a baby. She should still be a baby, but she's just not. She's very wise. And very funny. Harry has this little sister Lola...Lola. One of the few TV characters she acknowledges. A tiny girl with crazy yellow hair and stripey tights.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Word of the Day

Earlier this week: