Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Weighty Issues

When I was pregnant with Harry, I avoided seeing one of my obstetrician's because he was not very nice about my weight gain. How times change.
One doc is out of the practice. I hear from the rumor mill (okay, from Kelly) that her hours were just too insane, so I have been stuck with MF from the beginning. Early on, we chatted about clinical studies, and I think he views me as more of a colleague than a patient. I get a hand shake at every visit, lots of eye's as though we have a meeting scheduled rather than a check-up.
Since I started 20 pounds ahead of the curve this time, I have not had too much weight gain and nothing for him to complain about...until now. 16 pounds in 4 weeks! It's probably just because I don't puke as often. Regardless, even the nurse said he was going to have a talk with me.
Well...barely a peep! He said I'm healthy and on track. HE SAID CHOCOLATE IS GOOD FOR YOU. WHAT?!?!
So I went to McDonald's. I will try to be better though. He's my friend now.
I will also try to walk the dog 20 minutes a day, to lose 14 pounds a year, and eat veggie soup before every meal to consume 20 percent fewer calories.

On a side note, the neighbors have just recruited me for the Junior League for when Ainsley's out of preschool.

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