Saturday, December 29, 2007

They Made Me Do It!

I've been forced to register! I thought it was tacky at first, but it was still fun. And also a way for me to keep track of what I still need to buy. One item I thought we'd need, then decided we wouldn't, and now decided we need again is a two room baby monitor. Harry is pretty attached to his monitor, and has grown dependant upon it, the way an executive might grow attached to an intercom and a secretary on call.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The ONE Good Thing About Being Pregnant

I said, the ONE good thing about being pregnant is that I am not lactose intolerant...and a colleague from Brooklyn just sent me a cheesecake. A big one! And it's mine! All mine! I was going to save in and share, but I'm not. Except maybe with Kevin. Otherwise, it's MINE!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Freaking Out!

On top of being miserable that I can't bend, run, stretch, jump, etc...something I haven't discussed much is how freaked out I am that something will go wrong. There's still birth. There's umbilical cord injuries that might affect limb growth. There's risks from my category B medicines that I need. There's death during delivery...I even bumped into the corner of the dryer door...

If I knew there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, I might be a little happier. As it stands, maybe starting the procedures for a Russian adoption might help. So Harry can still have a sister. As it stands, he keeps hugging this one.

Partially irrational, I know. But that's me. And it's me un-medicated (wine and yoga count) and currently overworked (trying to prepare for leave). I don't know what more I can say about it.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Practice makes perfect

Harry helped mommy babysit for Cameron last night so that Aidan and Josh could take daddy to the L&F party. He was very excited to help out, and to make sure she wasn't sad. He made Aidan a present for Cameron at school, and promised to give her her favorite toy if she cried, and even offered to make faces for her so she'd laugh.

According to the video evidence he even did a song & dance number before he went to bed!

All of this, of course, is for your benefit. He's SO excited for your arrival, and to be a big brother!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Insult to Injury

I just got back from going through the mail, unaware of what lurked inside...
It was a Marie Claire magazine.
I think I purchased the subscription a year ago from some starving inner-city youth and am just waiting for it to end.
I don't think I have ever read one.
Anyway, this month's cover is of Christine Aguilera.
She's pregnant.
And nude.
And looks amazing.
All I can do is shake my head.

But, had a doctor's visit today. Baby's heartrate is 140. Normal. My BP is in the low range of normal. I only gained 3 or 4 pounds and have not gotten yelled at (again)...actually a kudos for not gaining as much weight as last month. I celebrated with shrimp fajitas at On The Border...followed by Tres Leche Cheesecake.

Still no definite C-section date, but the hospital is moving times so that they will now start at 7:30Am and squeeze in 4 before lunch, instead of 3. February 19th is still submitted.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

In the Spirit of Giving

I have been saying for at least 5 months now that something's got to give. Well, on December 20th at 1PM I am getting these damn braces off! And just in time for my birthday! I had impressions done today and everything. I told everyone at the office not to get the flu. I promised cookies and treats. If I could move easily without fear of pulling a muscle, I'd do a happy dance!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Not one, but TWO!

Two of my SINGLE female friends have stated that they either ARE or WANT to be hibernating right now, until Spring. This was totally unsolicited.
YEAH!!! This is what I was waiting for!!!!
They, too, are hoping they will be remembered in Spring.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

How Sad

My new obsession is now what stroller Brie has. It looks strikingly familiar....