Thursday, March 27, 2008

Independance Day

Miss A is very alert today. And calm. I caught her awake in her bouncy seat when i was in the shower, and again in her crib. She was happily looking around instead of screaming about being alone. This is huge! She is very content today.
Yesterday I dragged her to Babies R Us to return items and purchase non-pink clothing. I picked up lots of greens...even some girly camo, size 3-6 months. I also found the cutest 4th of July outfit...lots of red bandana print, but navy blue at the top surrounding her face. Yes, some people focus on Easter dresses, I shop for the July 4th. I think it may be my favorite holiday. Not only is it non-religious, but you get to swim and go to the beach (or at least the pool). Independance Day rocks!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What to write, what to write...

It seems we have a wider audience now, so I am not sure what I can write...specifically, what it is safe to write. For instance, I don't want to write anything about work...someone might read it. I don't even know what I'd be at liberty to discuss. Can I discuss lay offs? I doubt it. I appear to still have a job though, and I go back to work April 15.

I also don't want to write about friends...what if I say they are fat, and they read it? I'm just kidding. I wasn't planning to write, or even think, that. Seriously, I'm kidding. social life has picked up. I had complained to Kevin that our lives seem smaller. We aren't as worldly as some. My example was that we were not celebrating Easter in Jerusalem like Dick Cheney. Okay, bad example. So, we went to the zoo Sunday and I felt a little better. It is the National Zoo, after all. It also seemed Easter-y...not that we celebrate Easter. But we do celebrate the return of spring (at least I do). We did egg dying and everything. And yes, Harry had a visit from the Easter Bunny and he brought chocolate. I keep getting calls from disbelieving relatives who seem to have heard through the grapevine and want to confirm if this is true. It is.

I also went out last night, have plans tomorrow, have a party in Jersey Saturday, and we're hitting the Greatest Show on Earth Sunday. Sure, it's a stadium full of preschoolers, but I HAD NO TAKERS FOR CIRQUE DU SOLEIL in PA in May (You know who I'm talking about!).
So, last night's exciting outing was at Pat Troy's with my un-FIT friends. We always have good conversation (last night it was about how you lose the padding on your feet as you age, so barefoot is not as comfortable as it used to be. I wondered). We used to run together every day, so random conversation flows easily, but it's more condensed now, since we only get together about once a month. I wish we still met up daily. It was like therapy. And a work out.

I'd really like to find a good, trusted sitter so that I can actually make it out with Kevin maybe once a month. I've really got to work on that. It's fun to see friends, but I'd also like to go out with my husband. Any babysitting volunteers? From anyone over 30? Or 12?

Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm soooo tired, I haven't slept a wink

You may notice in Ms. Ainsley's photo below, that she appears as normal & well-rested. Mommy & Daddy on the other hand, not so much. Although she was doing great for her first month, it would seem that ever since Kim posted her mugshot referencing a month of existence outside of the womb, she's decided that nighttime certainly is not for sleeping... at least not for anyone else.

It would seem that she has developed an incredibly sensitive ear for rustling sheets. As she's not quite ready to move into her own room yet, Munchkin (as big brother so affectionately has dubbed her) continues to take her overnights in the Pack & Play in our room. As evidenced particularly last night, she's been taking her bottle on any random interval ranging from 45 minutes to 2-3 hours, at which time she's also strayed from her normal 4 ounce increments to anywhere from immeasurable to 3 1/2 ounces. Her one point of consistency lately has been to drop into what appears to be a nice deep sleep somewhere in the midst of her meal.

The problem is, that slumber only lasts as long as she can be held, or maybe if you're lucky, as long as you stand over her after laying her down. As soon as she hears you creep back into bed, she's UP. Making sure that everyone knows she's up, and the cycle begins again.

Alas, the only thing that seems to get her back to sleep with any longevity, is the one method I've poo-pooed for years (even though I take full credit for making the mistake with Bailey on night #1), is to bring her into bed, perched either on my or Kim's chest, and off to dreamland she goes... waking only (sometimes not even), when it's time to get up. Worst part is, we hold out from taking this step usually until about 5AM, at which time we've already lost the best hours of sleep.

So on we go, in various levels of catatonic state, and I'm sure the Sleep-Lady will be getting some serious face-time at the McDermott abode... I could rebound a bit more from this 4 years ago. Now, it's killing me.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Big BIG News

Miss Monkey Girl Ainsley has managed to keep socks on her feet ALL DAY today! First time ever!!!! They are Baby Gap 3-6months, in case you are in the market. Gymboree has newborn socks that claim to stay on, but they don't work for fairy princesses. We've come a long way in 4 weeks!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Not Her Color

Today Ainsley is wearing a very stylish mint green long sleeve onesie with a white and lavender short sleeve kimono top layered over it, with matching lavender pants. This is a much better look for her than the pink that makes up 85% of her wardrobe. The problem: Ainsley herself is pink (which is pretty much true for the rest of us, particularly Kevin). The pinks either clash or camouflage her. I won't be buying anymore pink for a while.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Ainsley had her two week check up today. The doctor said she has a lovely personality. He has obviously never seen her when she is hungry (picture a rabid dog). She was very well behaved, even while naked and laying on a cold scale. Doc described her as passive, which seemed to be a good thing. I would describe her as easy going. She gets upset, but is easy to console (especially if it involves a bottle). She seems pretty curious, though...unless she has a heartbeat to lisen to and a warm body to snuggle against.
Vital stats are as follows: Head: 14, Height: 18 3/4, Weight: 7.01.4
She is easting well. I was concerned that she has not moved past 2 ounces every 2 hours during the day. This is apparently just because she eats fast and fills herself up quickly, then gets hungry again soon after. She has made it to and surpassed her birth weight, so she's in good shape.
Other signs of normal development that princess has mastered:
  • Can lift chin for a few seconds while lying on tummy
  • Watches parent intently when he/she speaks (she is especially intent upon watching big brother!)
  • Sleeps most of the day
  • Turns in direction of some sounds
  • Can see 8-12 inches in front of her
I went to the doctor prepared with a list of questions I wrote on my hand with a sharpie:
  • Crib
  • Food
  • Skin
  • Cord
  • Slings
The doctor only wanted to know if Ainsley was sleeping in our bed. It seemed to be his pet peeve. I took his suffocation issues and raised it a few points to the fact that I can't even let her sleep in her crib flat. She's still in a bouncy seat in the pack & play. It is the only way I can get to sleep. The doctor tried to convince me that healthy babies don't suffocate for no reason. I'm mulling it over.
Diet was mentioned. I didn't bring up any skin issues. Her cord area still bleeds, but he said she c an get a bath, and we can use peroxide on the cord to dry it all up.I also didn't bring up slings. I tried a new one yesterday by Infantino...I think she will suffocate in it, plus, it isn't comfy. The Ergo may work later, but right now she hates it. She is less than a pound from using the Baby Bjorn...I might try it anyway. My back stings.