Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm soooo tired, I haven't slept a wink

You may notice in Ms. Ainsley's photo below, that she appears as normal & well-rested. Mommy & Daddy on the other hand, not so much. Although she was doing great for her first month, it would seem that ever since Kim posted her mugshot referencing a month of existence outside of the womb, she's decided that nighttime certainly is not for sleeping... at least not for anyone else.

It would seem that she has developed an incredibly sensitive ear for rustling sheets. As she's not quite ready to move into her own room yet, Munchkin (as big brother so affectionately has dubbed her) continues to take her overnights in the Pack & Play in our room. As evidenced particularly last night, she's been taking her bottle on any random interval ranging from 45 minutes to 2-3 hours, at which time she's also strayed from her normal 4 ounce increments to anywhere from immeasurable to 3 1/2 ounces. Her one point of consistency lately has been to drop into what appears to be a nice deep sleep somewhere in the midst of her meal.

The problem is, that slumber only lasts as long as she can be held, or maybe if you're lucky, as long as you stand over her after laying her down. As soon as she hears you creep back into bed, she's UP. Making sure that everyone knows she's up, and the cycle begins again.

Alas, the only thing that seems to get her back to sleep with any longevity, is the one method I've poo-pooed for years (even though I take full credit for making the mistake with Bailey on night #1), is to bring her into bed, perched either on my or Kim's chest, and off to dreamland she goes... waking only (sometimes not even), when it's time to get up. Worst part is, we hold out from taking this step usually until about 5AM, at which time we've already lost the best hours of sleep.

So on we go, in various levels of catatonic state, and I'm sure the Sleep-Lady will be getting some serious face-time at the McDermott abode... I could rebound a bit more from this 4 years ago. Now, it's killing me.


KQ said...

yeah, that second kid can put a hurtin' on ya. especially at your advanced age, har har. hang in there! she's a beauty.

Unknown said...

If it makes you feel any better, Cameron slept in our bed for the first 2 months because she HATED the basinett and just wanted to be help. Out of the blue, she decided that the crib was fine and started sleeping in much longer increments. HANG IT THERE!