Sunday, June 29, 2008

What Ainsley Did This Weekend:

She went swimming! She looked so cute in her little hot pink one-piece from Aidan and her big, blue, flowered UPF hat. The water was warm and she had fun...but didn't like little splashes to the face. She had an expression of "Oh!" - the kind a conservative old bitty might have after hearing foul language.
She did miss a baby shower for our new neighbor, with it being held during nap time. Looks like Ainsley will have ANOTHER new friend in about 1 month. She has so many already. It's crazy! So many little people to invite to her Faerie birthday party next February (picture twinkle lights, lavender and violet balloons...). It was kind of hard to find people to attend Harry's 1st! I think I rented some! Now everyone has kids. It's nice!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Susan visited Menike's today.

She's a supervisor. I received a report on Ainsley. It reads:
Ainsley was sleeping. She had played outside. Menike says she talks a lot! Ainsley woke up and watched the boys pick up toys.

bring back townsendkids!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Once again, Menike said Ainsley wouldn't sleep because she was too busy talking. Talking, talking, talking. I asked and she's never heard a baby talk so much. She's never seen anything like it. Ainsley was talking when she left this morning and talking when I picked her up.
Kevin worked late tonight so I took the kids out to dinner. I have the noisiest kids on the planet. Harry was constantly telling me stories and singing - mostly songs he made up. Ainsley was carrying on conversationally at the top of her lungs. No regard f or the others in the restaurant, although I don't think they actually noticed.
After pizza we went for ice cream. My kids are also the messiest on the planet. Harry was covered in chocolate icre cream and Ainsley in drool!
They are both super sweet though!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


No Rice Cereal Yet For Ainsley.

We're lazy. Not yet ready to open that box of worms. I did find a baby spoon hiding behind the sofa. Being a slob is convenient!

Monday, June 23, 2008

From The Archives of

-------- AUTHOR: Kimberly DATE: 8/24/2004 02:43:40 PM ----- BODY: As you can see from the photo, Harry turned 4 months old on Sunday!
He had 4 shots at the doctor's on Monday (DTaP, HIB, IPOL and HBV),
he weighed in at 18# 7oz (which I think was 93rd percentile) and is 24 1/2 inches tall (45%).
Obvioulsy his weight is a bit beyond his height, but the doctor is not worried. He is eating appropriately for his age. I stand by the fact that he is just a muscular, solid kid already. He holds his head well, and can hold himself in a standing position for a few minutes. Speaking of eating, he gets to start rice cereal today. I am sure we will have plenty of photos to post! Within the next month, he will get to start fruits and veggies. That should make for more exciting diaper changes!

And now it's Ainsley's turn to be 4 months old! She also got 4 shots today as well as an oral vaccine. To add insult to injury, she had just fallen asleep when they did it. Ow!
She weighed in the first time at 10 pounds and I said "No. She's NOT 10 pounds." We tried a new scale and she is 14.6.4. That's what I expected. I'm getting good at this guess your weight thing. I need to find an old school circus performer and win some dough! Moving on...that's 50-75th% for weight. Height is about 23"., which is 25%. She finally made it onto the charts!
Developmentally Ainsley is right on track. She's rolling. She talks, talks, talks. She smiles. She holds her head up. And she's drooling like a champ! All babies drool around 4 months and all babies put fists and everything else into their mouths, but some do it more to soothe sore gums, and that's Ainsley. Teeth may not be in soon but they are likely in the process of pushing up, which causes the pain.
We have the go ahead to start rice cereal, which we should start in the morning to see how it goes. That will be a fun addition to the AM routine! I thought I was so prepared, but I don't think I have any baby spoons.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Home Alone 2

Sequels are generally accepted to never have be as good as the original.

For those of you who don't already know, this has been my first significant foray into single parenthood with 2 rugrats to deal with instead of just the H man...

Back in the day, when Kim would travel much more than she does now, Harry and I got into a bit of a groove, and we could get along with each other just long enough that when she did come back, we were both releived. Now though, I need his help more than ever to not only grab stuff that I've dropped before Bailey gets them, but also to fend for himself every now and then.

Ainsley, on the other hand, has absolutely no responsibility or obligation whatsoever other than to continue to smile and giggle and to refrain from crying unless she's really hungry. So far so good.

that said, Day 1 (more specifically evening one) was a bit more harrowing than I had expected. All was well in Mudville until a huge storm rolled up, and knocked out the power again for the second time in as many weeks. The good part was, the kids were still out, and no trees fell.

So no electricity until about 1130 that night, but everyone seemed to be no worse for the wear. Ainsley was in bed early, and Harry was out like a light (he gets like that when he's under a bit of duress -- fine by me). I had prepared everything for Ms A's bottles very strategically, gotten myself arranged to sleep downstairs so as to be able to deal with no monitors, and cozied up for a movie on the couch with the aforementioned portable DVD player. Sure enough, with all of that planning, the lights finally came back on at 11:30.

So far the rest has been relatively routine. Today Ms A got to watch big brother's 1st Karate class at Little Gym, getting everyone an extra late night (we got back home around 7 to begin dinner & tubs).

Everyone's looking forward to Mommy's return tomorrow night, but at least it's not with us all at each others' throats.

chilly today

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Miss Menike Said...

Ainsley started out at one corner of a large quilt and next thing she knew she was on the other side. She's on the move!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rock & Roll!

Ainsley is SO close to rolling over! I'm not the least bit anxious this time around about when she does it (maybe that's why Kevin was 15 months old...being 2nd born and all...) . It's really fun to watch though. SHe's so close, and she wiggles around in a complete circle on her side. She also slept from 7:30PM until 6:30 AM this morning, and probably woudl have slept later if I wasn't peering over her for 10 minutes.

Monday, June 9, 2008

So Cute!

Ms. Nathalie thinks it's so cute that Ainsley has a pink Snoedel just like Harry's blue one! Like brother, like sister! I think Ainsley will like her Snoedel soon. Both kids starting teething at 2 months and like(d) to gnaw on burp cloths.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008

Am I cute or what?


When Harry was a baby, someone told me that they were disappointed that most of teh hand me down clothes they received were sporty. Babies should dress cute! She said. I don't remember if she specifically referrenced bunnies and ducks, but that was the image my head received. Harry has always dressed sporty. I think that is cute. But I should work on being less judgemental, because I now think Ainsley should dress as cute as possible at all times (or at least when convenient!).

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's an addiction!

I am trying to watch less TV, but I absolutely cannot go to sleep without watching Friends. It's on each night at 10:00PM. It's comfort food.

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Thanks Anyway.

Labeling Changes Proposed for Rx Drugs Used During Pregnancy, Breastfeeding

FDA has proposed major revisions to physician labeling for prescription drugs (including biological products) to provide better information about the effects of medicines used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The changes would give health care professionals more comprehensive information for making prescribing decisions and for counseling women about using prescription medications if they are pregnant, breastfeeding, or of childbearing age.