Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Baby Gap

As is my practice, I swung through the Prime Outlets on my way home from Salisbury. Today it was just Baby Gap and I was in and out in 10 minutes. Picked up a couple of things for Harry, but mostly basics for Ainsley...big girl 'jamas...some skirts...and a little tiny pink big girl jacket! :-( She's so big now!!!!! She seems to be growing up much faster than Harry did.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Miss Ainsley McD still loves bananas. She sleeps liek a champ. She thinks it's funny when you growl at her...and almost as funny when you tickle her. She likes her doorway jumper, but not yet as much as big brother. She loves big brother, and seems to be interested in Blue's Clues (by accident). She's learning new words and seems to respond to her name. Oh, and she's moved into the big kid car seat! She's only roughly 15 pounds but Kevin and I are too weak to carry the Peg Perego...plus it's an exact match to the one Aidan has and can be used for the twins! More friends for Ainsley!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ainsley loves...

bananas!...to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!...she can do bridges now along with her knees-to-the-side yoga move...she loves to talk, talk, talk and to smile.She's trying to share toys with big brother now. She sleeps REALLY well at night but doesn't like to nap. Kevin has apparently shown her 4 Baby Einstein videos. Blah! She's easily distracted when she is eating and hears a new voice. She lieks to get a tub. She is super easy and goes with the flow. She's such a happy baby!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Catching On

All we have to do is sit Ainsley in her high chair and she starts going nuts. Even if she wasn't thinking about food, she starts kicking her feet and drooling. Maybe her first word will be "Pavlov."

Monday, July 14, 2008

who's tinier?

now that big brother is ready to pass along his Britax's to little sister, a quick point of comparison:

Friday, July 11, 2008

Bananas Today!

And a song to go with it! I changed teh lyrics a little to "Eat, Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S."
Do you think Gwen Stefani sings it to her kid?
It's Ainsley's song anyway. Harry has his song (H-A-Double R-I-S-O-N spells Harrison) so Ainsley's is to the bananas tune "A-I-N-S-L-E-Y." This probably works better if you can hear me sing it.
Anyway, once a cheerleader....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What's New

She's just so big now! And so calm. And happy!

Today Ainsley visited with some neighbors. She also went to Harry's Karate class and ate sweet potatoes while she was there. They were yummy!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

rock & roll baby

Please note, this is from LAST week (6/26), and she's advanced a bit since then, but we've got a few doubters out there... see for yourself:


I know I shouldn't say this out loud, bt Ainsley slept through the night (about 11 hours) all week. As Harry would say, "Good for you, Ainsley!" Also good for Mommy & Daddy! ALthough, last night she went to be a little later, and got up a little earlier - the same bad habit big brother has!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I'm okay, you're okay

I was talking with some "neatniks" today that I've worked with over the years. I was at their office today, and it's one of those minimalist places were you can just think clearly. Almost like a yoga studio, it's so sparse and organized. Anyway, I was asked what I do with the kids during the day, how I manage, ... I explained that the house is a mess but everything else flows nicely. I was impressed to learn that when they had kids they followed the same philosophy- that other things are more important. Even though their kids are grown, they haven't gone back to their old ways. I thought she was exaggerating, but she specifically noted dishes in the sink, shoes under the table, toys everywhere, clothes on the floor...This is one of the most comforting pieces of information I've heard (especially after dealing with a baby shower this weekend on "Wisteria Lane").

Just Really Tasty!

Ainsley is on day 4 of eating "solid" foods. She's been through 3 days of rice cereal and today she started oatmeal. Maybe this weekend we'll start with some veggies! Fun times!