Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ainsley is 9 months old today!!!

Miss Ainsley is developing right on track, and is a happy little camper.
She is 26 3/4 inches long (45%), 19#, 11.2 oz. (75%) and her head is 17 1/2" (55%).

Harry at this age:Height: 28 1/2 inches (55%)Weight: 22# 1.7 oz. (75%)Head: 18 1/2 (75%)
I suspected Ainsley was a bit more petite...than Harry at least. Harry, her twin 4 years removed.

Ainsley enjoyed her visit to the doctor, until the doctor came in and started poking her. She's pretty attached to mommy these days, which is to be expected. I don't think Harry was, though, which is why Harry is more of a Beagle than a Golden Retriever. He disagrees, but honestly I can barely tell he and Bailey apart these days!

Ainsley also did not like her shots. Please see below. She recovered fairly quickly though.
The only other new news is she doesn't have to eat pureered food anymore. She doesn't like the texture, and the doctor says there is no need, as long as she is feeding herself. Last night she had chicken sausage, edamame and cheerios.

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