Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bubbles for Ainsley

Ainsley's first class was today at The Little Gym. She seemed very confused to be there without big brother, so it is probably an especially good reason for her to be there! She took a lot in, and seemed to enjoy herself. She was tired before we went and woke up from her nap early, but still managed to hang out for one spin on the parachute (she wasn't too into a second ride), she cooperated by walking (assisted) in a circle, we did tandem log rolls, and we had a crawling race. I think she will be much more into all of it next week. One thing she did LOVE LOVE LOVE was bubble time! They fascinated her when they were flying, and she loved to pop them when they landed. This is great for fine motor skills. She also liked hearing Miss Shari sing Itsy Bitsy Spider. Usually only Mommy sings that one, so it was very new for her, and she seemed intrigued, sitting by herself and following every word.

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