Monday, May 4, 2009

Our 14 Month Old

I am a couple of weeks late, but I pulled this from my old verizon email account today:

How's your toddler's growing: Your toddler is mastering new skills left and
right these days — from waving bye-bye to drinking from a cup. But one thing he
probably hasn't gotten a handle on is adult table manners. And that's okay. It's
too early for him to understand or manage neatness. Eating is a learning
experience, and at this age learning tends to be messy. So spread a splash mat
under his highchair and set him free; let him learn to use a spoon at his own pace, check out the texture of egg, and find out what peas do when thrown.How your life is changing: You may as well let your toddler do what he wants with his food, as you probably won't have much luck trying to stop him. Why? At this age, the things you say no to have the most allure, so grin and bear it, and make sure your house is childproofed.

I am very much of the mindset to just let Ainsley do what she wants at dinner, as long as she is eating something healthy. More often then not, she is painting herself with yogurt...but she's trying. She just isn't all that coordinated yet with a spoon!
Ainsley is also becoming more independant in other ways. She has started walking around the house now, unaided. If the family is in separate rooms, she will just walk around and see what's going on.
She talks quite a bit and communicates her needs. She knows cup, car, ball, Bail(ey), Mummum, Dada, brthr, WooooW!, Yaaaaaay!. She claps now. She is good at forward rolls. She loves to "'wing" at the playgrund. A big step at the gym on Saturday: She completed 3 part instructions independantly. "AInsley, go and get that blue ball over there, take it back over there and put it in the bucket." It was so exciting!

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