Friday, June 5, 2009

Not Far From The Tree...

Ainsley's word of the week seems to be "Cupcake." Which follows with the following string of words: "Cake Cup! Cake in cup. Cuppa cake. Cupcake. Cupcake? Cupcake!"

Yes, my little darlings first few words have been princess, pretty and cupcake. Nice!

She is also working on "Harrison," which is currently pronounced "Hair-thon" and very tiny.

She loves bubbles, and gets a feverish look in her eye when she sees them, and repeats "Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles" over and over and brings over every bottle she can find. I still don't know what we are supposed to do with them all!

She loves to carry my purse, and it seems to be her job to carry Harry's Spiderman lunchbox. He doesn't seem to mind one little bit!

She loves Harry and she'll give him hugs when we ask. Her favorite place is his room. Soooo much cool stuff (like tiny legos to swallow)! Her new thing is walking back and forth at the pool to pretend to jump in. I say pretend. She r eally tries. She just doesn't exactly clear the edge.

She still loves all things pink. She's been wearing her shoes without complaint. She loves to go for walks in whatever stroller is around. She calls those "swings" too ("'wing!").

Tomorrow is gym day. She's pretty c lose to doing forward rolls on her own. Could happen tomorrow. The rest of her time, I'm sure, will be spent kicking to slo-mo balls around the room soccer style.

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