Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ainsley is 18 months old today!

And she's awesome! Crazy. But awesome!
This kid has more words than I can count. They include princess, cowbell, cupcake, beach, shoes, truck, house, pool, Alex, Julia, Everett, Bailey, Meghan, Mommy, Daddy, Harry, Grandma, PopPop, goes on and on.
She doesn't watch TV. No interest. She does like music, though, and she requests we put it back on when it's between CDs in the car. She likes to dance. And jump (no elevation, however). She follows multi-part directions very well, and she picks up on everything.
A little while ago she was talking about " 'side" and I was explaining inside vs. outside. Naturally I went into "spinning all around" Before I finished my sentence she was twirling in circles.
She's out of her highchair and sitting at the table with us in a booster. Today she was walking to the park with Menike and her friends, and when Julia and Alex stopped holding hands, Ainsley pointed out to them what they needed to do. SHe often demands "Hands!" of Harry and he obliges. He recently walked her through a couple of airports.
Ainsley loves books. "Book!" "Read!" She likes to be read to, but she'll also sit down and look at books herself. She loves to go for rides in her stroller. "Ride!" Sometimes we ride in the wagon or on the tricycle. She LOVES outside!
She has yellow hair. Most of her teeth. She's got a decent tan. Her feet are tiny! They get her where she needs to go though...which is wherever she wants! She loves to wear dresses, and pink, and shoes, and definitely swim suits! She does not like to wear bows. Her hair is always a mess. She likes to go to starbuck's. She calls it by name when she sees the sign. At the McDonalds drive through the other day she said "Coke!" Uh-oh!
This one is ALWAYS listening!!! And always entertaining!

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