Friday, October 4, 2013

One Month In

To say that school agrees with Ainsley is... well, it's the understatement of the year.

Ainsley loves school.





She's so into the routine, the new stuff, the new places, the bus, the bus stop, recess, music class, art class, library, even PE.

She brought home her first permission slip for her first field trip the other day.  And then proceeded to hound us about returning it, and how it needed to be back ain, but also explaining the whole process of the permissions slip, and why they needed one, and where they were going, and when they were going, and how they were going to get there, and that she needed to bring a bagged lunch in her backpack (which is WAY different than the bagged lunch she brings in her backpack every other day, apparently), and when they will leave, and when they will be back, and the kinds of things they will do there, and... and... and... and....

Did I mention she loves school?

She even explained, with great detail and enthusiasm, about their "lockdown drill" that they practiced in PE earlier this week.  No point in getting emotional about it, it is what it is.  They do fire drills, they do weather drills, now they do lockdown drills.  We all hope they never have to use any of them, but at least they have some shared semblance of what to do.

She's also in a weekend art class at the Torpedo Factory's Art League. Did I mention she seems to love anything that resembles school?  Oh and now you include painting and drawing? We call that "jackpot." 

She's gotten so big in those little shoes of hers.  And doesn't seem to have any intention of looking back.  Which is not to say that she doesn't remember where she came from.  This past weekend, we finally got to have a playdate with a bunch of her pals from Abra.  Just like Harry does with his Abra buddies, they pick right back up where they last left off.  They're always so excited to see each other, but get them together in a group, and all bets are off.  It's a wonderful thing to have... and to still have...

...but of course.  It had to do with school.

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