Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Ainsley had her two week check up today. The doctor said she has a lovely personality. He has obviously never seen her when she is hungry (picture a rabid dog). She was very well behaved, even while naked and laying on a cold scale. Doc described her as passive, which seemed to be a good thing. I would describe her as easy going. She gets upset, but is easy to console (especially if it involves a bottle). She seems pretty curious, though...unless she has a heartbeat to lisen to and a warm body to snuggle against.
Vital stats are as follows: Head: 14, Height: 18 3/4, Weight: 7.01.4
She is easting well. I was concerned that she has not moved past 2 ounces every 2 hours during the day. This is apparently just because she eats fast and fills herself up quickly, then gets hungry again soon after. She has made it to and surpassed her birth weight, so she's in good shape.
Other signs of normal development that princess has mastered:
  • Can lift chin for a few seconds while lying on tummy
  • Watches parent intently when he/she speaks (she is especially intent upon watching big brother!)
  • Sleeps most of the day
  • Turns in direction of some sounds
  • Can see 8-12 inches in front of her
I went to the doctor prepared with a list of questions I wrote on my hand with a sharpie:
  • Crib
  • Food
  • Skin
  • Cord
  • Slings
The doctor only wanted to know if Ainsley was sleeping in our bed. It seemed to be his pet peeve. I took his suffocation issues and raised it a few points to the fact that I can't even let her sleep in her crib flat. She's still in a bouncy seat in the pack & play. It is the only way I can get to sleep. The doctor tried to convince me that healthy babies don't suffocate for no reason. I'm mulling it over.
Diet was mentioned. I didn't bring up any skin issues. Her cord area still bleeds, but he said she c an get a bath, and we can use peroxide on the cord to dry it all up.I also didn't bring up slings. I tried a new one yesterday by Infantino...I think she will suffocate in it, plus, it isn't comfy. The Ergo may work later, but right now she hates it. She is less than a pound from using the Baby Bjorn...I might try it anyway. My back stings.

1 comment:

Caitlin Adams said...

About slings: I love my New Native baby sling. It is small and simple.

That said, I did need to read the instructions to make sure I was using it correctly. The sling needs to be folded flat, with the open side to one side (not in the middle), then put on maintaining that flat fold, with the little stitch at the neck and the big seam at the middle near the belly button. Then... pick up baby, put her on your shoulder, slide her in feet first. Not always perfect, but adjustments can be made. My little As (9 months now) is just outgrowing the sling (and he is little -- just 14 lbs).

And all that said -- the Bjorn is better for taking babe on long walks. But you know that!