Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What to write, what to write...

It seems we have a wider audience now, so I am not sure what I can write...specifically, what it is safe to write. For instance, I don't want to write anything about work...someone might read it. I don't even know what I'd be at liberty to discuss. Can I discuss lay offs? I doubt it. I appear to still have a job though, and I go back to work April 15.

I also don't want to write about friends...what if I say they are fat, and they read it? I'm just kidding. I wasn't planning to write, or even think, that. Seriously, I'm kidding. social life has picked up. I had complained to Kevin that our lives seem smaller. We aren't as worldly as some. My example was that we were not celebrating Easter in Jerusalem like Dick Cheney. Okay, bad example. So, we went to the zoo Sunday and I felt a little better. It is the National Zoo, after all. It also seemed Easter-y...not that we celebrate Easter. But we do celebrate the return of spring (at least I do). We did egg dying and everything. And yes, Harry had a visit from the Easter Bunny and he brought chocolate. I keep getting calls from disbelieving relatives who seem to have heard through the grapevine and want to confirm if this is true. It is.

I also went out last night, have plans tomorrow, have a party in Jersey Saturday, and we're hitting the Greatest Show on Earth Sunday. Sure, it's a stadium full of preschoolers, but I HAD NO TAKERS FOR CIRQUE DU SOLEIL in PA in May (You know who I'm talking about!).
So, last night's exciting outing was at Pat Troy's with my un-FIT friends. We always have good conversation (last night it was about how you lose the padding on your feet as you age, so barefoot is not as comfortable as it used to be. I wondered). We used to run together every day, so random conversation flows easily, but it's more condensed now, since we only get together about once a month. I wish we still met up daily. It was like therapy. And a work out.

I'd really like to find a good, trusted sitter so that I can actually make it out with Kevin maybe once a month. I've really got to work on that. It's fun to see friends, but I'd also like to go out with my husband. Any babysitting volunteers? From anyone over 30? Or 12?


Unknown said...

Did we miss the Cirque de Soliel deadline? Sorry, I completely forgot. I'll be 30 in November, so I can start babysitting then!

Kimberly said...

we were discussing your pending 3-0! yeah 3-0!!!
since you are family, we will cut you some slack and let you babysit now if you wat. And Uncle long as he doesn't buy matching outfits for himself and Harry. Well...maybe he can, but no unionsuits!
if you want to see CDS I can check on tickets.