Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Plunge

Ainsley seems to have enjoyed herself at Great Waves today, even though I slipped and fell on wet, painted cement and dropped her on her head. Luckily, I took the brunt of the fall and she only hit the ground, wearing a hat, from about a foot off of the ground. She cried for a minute but was otherwise okay, and I immediately called the doctor to confirm what I should look for. I think those Krav moves came in handy in knowing how to fall and sheild her from impact, but at the end my shoulder gave out. I feel terrible. My mood is completely flat and I can't seem to get it back up. Drained? Something.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Picture People

We had been prepping Harry for weeks that he had to cooperate on photo day. No ice cream for the rest of his life if he didn't. If he did, a light saber! He did a little...but Ainsley didn't! She actually cried and looked like a deer in headlights throughout the experience. This is so atypical. But honestly, it's probably the hardest thing she's had to do so far...sit alone surrounded by 6 other peopel and a bunch of flashbulbs. Scary stuff! Definitely not Miss Mellow's speed! When she did get comfy, she started eating her dress. I passed her a pink poodle to nibble on instead, and that shots hanging up in her room. As a treat, both rugrats got to ride the carousel after. Ainsley's first time!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Know what's cool?

Ainsley gets invited to birthday parties...and she even gets party favors! With her own name on them! She went to Alena's party without big brother, at Renee's party she had her very own friend Julia to make her laugh, and today at Hunter's party she got to swim and even sit up "by herself" in the baby pool. So fun! At her first birthday, we are going to need to go down a list of her actual friends (friends being people she knows and will likely be involved in play dates for the forseeable future, and we'll have to narrow down since our home is miniscule). For Harry's first birthday, we pretty much had to borrow friends! It's nice that she gets to make her way into a warm, ready-made environment of friends and people who care about her. No wonder she's so relaxed!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Ainsley seems to be moving backwards! She was also playing with plastic blocks today. I found the toddler toy bin in the basement!

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Friday, August 22, 2008


Miss Ainsley still likes to be growled out...and she loves to growl back, in a deep, scratchy little voice. It is very different from the sweet little voice she uses to say "Hi!" It's very funny.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ainsley is 6 months old today!!!!

Happy half-Birthday, Ainsley!!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Ainsley is such a squishy cuddle bug I can't stand it!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ainsley anticipates zerberts.

If you take a deep breath close to Ainsley's skin, even if you don't blow, Ainsley will close her eyes and prepare to giggle. She anticipates the zerbert!

Something I googled:
6 to 9 Months

A baby's interest in play expands greatly at this age. Practicing gross motor skills (sitting, standing, crawling, and rolling) is really a form of play, especially if you are there to provide encouragement. Babies this age can and should be encouraged to entertain themselves for several minutes if given interesting things to explore, but interaction with you is still a vital part of having fun. Because of your infant's new ability to remember and anticipate, "Peekaboo" is a particular favorite, in addition to simple finger games ("This Little Piggy") and gentle, tickling games. If you repeat these games and other nursery rhymes, your baby will learn them and anticipate what's coming.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fruits & Veggies

Miss Ainsley pooped twice today.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Belly Laughs!

Little baby giggles are the greatest feeling in the world, especially when the baby is lying across your knee when it happens! Harry finally spent some QT with his baby sister and his Fischer Price school bus, which lights up and sings Wheels on the Bus. Ainsley thought it was the greatest thing and did lots of giggling.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008


Mommy just bought new running shoes. I hope Miss Ainsley's gearing up! Speed. I Am Speed.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Time's Flying!

My little fairy princess is nearing 6 months! It's crazy! She's sitting up a bit...she sits up and holds on to her dancing monkey musical toy that Aunt Jenn and Uncle Kris gave Harry for his first Christmas...she hung out with me in the Baby Bjorn at Toys R Us (to buy MORE birthday party gifts!!!7 parties this month!)..she even went to Alena's 2nd birthday party solo, without big brother. It was at a splashpark and Ainsley joined in the festivities. She tends to maintain an expression of "what are they doing to me now" but she's a good sport! She's such a sweet little girl! We also dusted off the jogger. She's pretty much old enough to ride in it now!