Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ainsley anticipates zerberts.

If you take a deep breath close to Ainsley's skin, even if you don't blow, Ainsley will close her eyes and prepare to giggle. She anticipates the zerbert!

Something I googled:
6 to 9 Months

A baby's interest in play expands greatly at this age. Practicing gross motor skills (sitting, standing, crawling, and rolling) is really a form of play, especially if you are there to provide encouragement. Babies this age can and should be encouraged to entertain themselves for several minutes if given interesting things to explore, but interaction with you is still a vital part of having fun. Because of your infant's new ability to remember and anticipate, "Peekaboo" is a particular favorite, in addition to simple finger games ("This Little Piggy") and gentle, tickling games. If you repeat these games and other nursery rhymes, your baby will learn them and anticipate what's coming.

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