Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Picture People

We had been prepping Harry for weeks that he had to cooperate on photo day. No ice cream for the rest of his life if he didn't. If he did, a light saber! He did a little...but Ainsley didn't! She actually cried and looked like a deer in headlights throughout the experience. This is so atypical. But honestly, it's probably the hardest thing she's had to do so far...sit alone surrounded by 6 other peopel and a bunch of flashbulbs. Scary stuff! Definitely not Miss Mellow's speed! When she did get comfy, she started eating her dress. I passed her a pink poodle to nibble on instead, and that shots hanging up in her room. As a treat, both rugrats got to ride the carousel after. Ainsley's first time!

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