Monday, September 29, 2008


We've got crawling! Mostly, we know have Ainsley on her hands and knees doing the rock back & forth thing, but there was a crawl in there, too. Harry and I both saw it. He didn't think she'd ever crawl. I haven't had time to think about it. The house was pretty well baby proofed before we moved in, so we are set. Now, teh fun begins!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Growing up, and up, and up!!!

Ainsley has become such her own person. She is so fun! We can hang out together with each other and both have fun, just laughing. I laugh, so she laughs, and it's really funny, so I laugh harder! Know who else makes her laugh? Harry! It doesn't even matter what he does, she just loves him. He doesn't feed her, or put her to bed, or take care of her...he just swoops in now and then and makes her laugh! How is that!? Regardless, I am glad for it! And it's not just the laughing. She wants to be like him too. They were sitting on the carpet today playing upstairs while we got dressed to go out. Ainsley was surrounded by toys. Harry had one car. I think he was teasing her with it, driving it too close, but she watched every move, and I think she thought he was showing her how to use it, with plans to give it to her. As soon as he would move away, she'd play with her own toys. Then he would come back and she would watch intently. Then I made them sit closer so I could take pictures.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


A Tooth! It's coming!

Finger food

Guess who's cutting teeth???

Friday, September 26, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Finger Foods

We made the leap! Ainsley is a partial self-feeder. She has no teeth, but neither does her friend Sadie, and she's eating chicken. So Ainsley got another mesh coated banana as well as some cookies to entertain herself with while we ate dinner. Sometimes, they even made it to her mouth.
Ainsley also has a playdate in Annapolis Thursday, with a petit DG. Yaaay! Can't wait!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

More Belly Laughs

Harry was demonstrating a crawling technique for Ainsley. It was really pretty funny. No one thought it was more funny than Ainsley. I've never heard a baby laugh so hard! She was totally in on the joke. I wish I had it recorded, but I know that wouldn't have happened. No pictures, please!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Ainsley has a new friend at daycare. His name is Everett. Funny. That's Harry's middle name :-) I think he is 4 months old. He's little! Now little Alex has a buddy to take care of, just like Julia. Apparently Ainsley just talks to him all day, at the top of her lungs. She's such a big girl now!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Miss Ainsley is soooooo noisy!

I think I have the noisiest kids on the planet, and I have given up fighting it. Oh, I still judgementally stare at other peoples' noisy kids...I mean, with mine shrieking and singing, there's usually enough going on. You never know when Ainsley will start shouting "DA DADADADADADADAD" at the top of her lungs, while at the same time Harry loudly demonstrates "Deep & Wide."
I am sure no one will believe me, but Ainsley is already talking. She says "Mah-mee" at times...usually when crying. Dadadadadada is one of her favorites. She repeats "Hi" and has for a while. She said "Doggie" the other day. It's not booming and perfectly enunciated, but she has a high pitched little voice. We were asking today if she knows Harry's name. She certainly looks at him. And she seems to say "Ha" when we keep asking who he is.
Harry spoke pretty early. First words were "Rivers and Lakes." He's an odd bird. He woudl also recite "Goodnight Moon." Usually second borns don't speak as well...which is surprising, because you would think with all of eth constant chatter, it woudl be the opposite. Unless, we are teh only ones with constant chatter.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Miss Ainsley at 6 months ( was 8/25/08):
Head: 15 3/4"
Height: 25" (75%!)
Weight 17lbs. 7.4 ounces (80%)