Sunday, September 7, 2008

Miss Ainsley is soooooo noisy!

I think I have the noisiest kids on the planet, and I have given up fighting it. Oh, I still judgementally stare at other peoples' noisy kids...I mean, with mine shrieking and singing, there's usually enough going on. You never know when Ainsley will start shouting "DA DADADADADADADAD" at the top of her lungs, while at the same time Harry loudly demonstrates "Deep & Wide."
I am sure no one will believe me, but Ainsley is already talking. She says "Mah-mee" at times...usually when crying. Dadadadadada is one of her favorites. She repeats "Hi" and has for a while. She said "Doggie" the other day. It's not booming and perfectly enunciated, but she has a high pitched little voice. We were asking today if she knows Harry's name. She certainly looks at him. And she seems to say "Ha" when we keep asking who he is.
Harry spoke pretty early. First words were "Rivers and Lakes." He's an odd bird. He woudl also recite "Goodnight Moon." Usually second borns don't speak as well...which is surprising, because you would think with all of eth constant chatter, it woudl be the opposite. Unless, we are teh only ones with constant chatter.

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