Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I was all set to post a couple of updates, but Kevin beat me to it! Ah! Who would have thought?

I guess I'll have some stats Thursday after Ainsley's 1 year check up, but here are some updates to tide you over (yeah you! You know who you are!).

Name: Ainsley Mae McDermott
Age: 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eyes: Possibly brown. Maybe hazel.
Hair: Golden/honey blond, style: mullet
Clothing size: 12 months
Shoe size: about 6 months! itty bitty feet! No wonder she's not walking!

Ainsley is standing though, and holding objects while she does it. Objects fascinate her. Harry doesn't seem to understand this.
Things she likes: squishing the eyes on her Itty Bitty Baby, bubbles at The Little Gym, Mommy, slamming her sippy cup off of her high chair, when big brother makes her giggle, Menike, dancing, reading books and trying to touch the pictures, feeding herself with a spoon, gnawing on spoons, talking, talking, talking. Oh, and Mommy.

She doesn't enunciate, but she gets enough words out to communicate. Mama. DaDaDaDaDa.
Do(g). Brother. Pretty. Bye....she tends to repeat the last word you say, if you say it enough.

Future events: Folly Beach in April, Jimmy Buffet in September, more DG playdates then she knows what to do with!

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