Saturday, December 29, 2007

They Made Me Do It!

I've been forced to register! I thought it was tacky at first, but it was still fun. And also a way for me to keep track of what I still need to buy. One item I thought we'd need, then decided we wouldn't, and now decided we need again is a two room baby monitor. Harry is pretty attached to his monitor, and has grown dependant upon it, the way an executive might grow attached to an intercom and a secretary on call.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The ONE Good Thing About Being Pregnant

I said, the ONE good thing about being pregnant is that I am not lactose intolerant...and a colleague from Brooklyn just sent me a cheesecake. A big one! And it's mine! All mine! I was going to save in and share, but I'm not. Except maybe with Kevin. Otherwise, it's MINE!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Freaking Out!

On top of being miserable that I can't bend, run, stretch, jump, etc...something I haven't discussed much is how freaked out I am that something will go wrong. There's still birth. There's umbilical cord injuries that might affect limb growth. There's risks from my category B medicines that I need. There's death during delivery...I even bumped into the corner of the dryer door...

If I knew there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, I might be a little happier. As it stands, maybe starting the procedures for a Russian adoption might help. So Harry can still have a sister. As it stands, he keeps hugging this one.

Partially irrational, I know. But that's me. And it's me un-medicated (wine and yoga count) and currently overworked (trying to prepare for leave). I don't know what more I can say about it.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Practice makes perfect

Harry helped mommy babysit for Cameron last night so that Aidan and Josh could take daddy to the L&F party. He was very excited to help out, and to make sure she wasn't sad. He made Aidan a present for Cameron at school, and promised to give her her favorite toy if she cried, and even offered to make faces for her so she'd laugh.

According to the video evidence he even did a song & dance number before he went to bed!

All of this, of course, is for your benefit. He's SO excited for your arrival, and to be a big brother!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Insult to Injury

I just got back from going through the mail, unaware of what lurked inside...
It was a Marie Claire magazine.
I think I purchased the subscription a year ago from some starving inner-city youth and am just waiting for it to end.
I don't think I have ever read one.
Anyway, this month's cover is of Christine Aguilera.
She's pregnant.
And nude.
And looks amazing.
All I can do is shake my head.

But, had a doctor's visit today. Baby's heartrate is 140. Normal. My BP is in the low range of normal. I only gained 3 or 4 pounds and have not gotten yelled at (again)...actually a kudos for not gaining as much weight as last month. I celebrated with shrimp fajitas at On The Border...followed by Tres Leche Cheesecake.

Still no definite C-section date, but the hospital is moving times so that they will now start at 7:30Am and squeeze in 4 before lunch, instead of 3. February 19th is still submitted.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

In the Spirit of Giving

I have been saying for at least 5 months now that something's got to give. Well, on December 20th at 1PM I am getting these damn braces off! And just in time for my birthday! I had impressions done today and everything. I told everyone at the office not to get the flu. I promised cookies and treats. If I could move easily without fear of pulling a muscle, I'd do a happy dance!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Not one, but TWO!

Two of my SINGLE female friends have stated that they either ARE or WANT to be hibernating right now, until Spring. This was totally unsolicited.
YEAH!!! This is what I was waiting for!!!!
They, too, are hoping they will be remembered in Spring.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

How Sad

My new obsession is now what stroller Brie has. It looks strikingly familiar....

Friday, November 30, 2007


Humans need it.
We should not be forced to do without.
Especially red wine.
It's a health food.

Already taken.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Long Live Pellegrino!

It cuts through heartburn!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Weighty Issues

When I was pregnant with Harry, I avoided seeing one of my obstetrician's because he was not very nice about my weight gain. How times change.
One doc is out of the practice. I hear from the rumor mill (okay, from Kelly) that her hours were just too insane, so I have been stuck with MF from the beginning. Early on, we chatted about clinical studies, and I think he views me as more of a colleague than a patient. I get a hand shake at every visit, lots of eye's as though we have a meeting scheduled rather than a check-up.
Since I started 20 pounds ahead of the curve this time, I have not had too much weight gain and nothing for him to complain about...until now. 16 pounds in 4 weeks! It's probably just because I don't puke as often. Regardless, even the nurse said he was going to have a talk with me.
Well...barely a peep! He said I'm healthy and on track. HE SAID CHOCOLATE IS GOOD FOR YOU. WHAT?!?!
So I went to McDonald's. I will try to be better though. He's my friend now.
I will also try to walk the dog 20 minutes a day, to lose 14 pounds a year, and eat veggie soup before every meal to consume 20 percent fewer calories.

On a side note, the neighbors have just recruited me for the Junior League for when Ainsley's out of preschool.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Again with the sneezes! I sneeezed this morning while lying down with my legs crossed. Immediately experienced blinding pain in my side.
ALso have some serious pelvic pain, among other things. I suppose it's my body preparing for labor, but I wish I could re-program to let it know that we're not going that route, so preparation isn't necessary.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Good Fit

Having properly fitting maternity clothes makes all of the difference in the world. Unfortunately, the most comfortable thing I own is a black velour warm-up suit.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Breathing a sigh of relief!

My physical therapist relocated my ribs! I can breathe a little!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Just for the record...

When you're old enough to read this, hopefully by now you will have figured out/confirmed/etc that you're really driving your mother nuts at this point.

Heartburn, shortness of breath, and short fuses aside, we're all VERY excited for your arrival!


I CAN'T BREATHE TODAY!!! I would like to say I can't breathe at all, but I guess that is not true. I even managed to swim 1/4 mile, do laundrey, and lug very heavy Let's Dish! bags from the car to the basement. But, really, I can't breathe, and it has nothing to do with congestion.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It's Cold, Wet, and Dark!

Now everyone else can hibernate like me!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

1 Good Thing

I took the boy swimming, and I got to park in "Mommy & Harrison Parking" (also known as Parking for Mothers to Be and Parents with Strollers). Saved me from hiking down a hill. It was quite nice. There are only 3 spots, too, and usually all are full. I lucked out!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Purple Goose

Went in for some Cameron gifts and came out with two pairs of shoes for Ainsley. There is a 0-6 pair with sunflowers, brown and a 6-12 pair with pink bows. Both are Robeez. Miss Cameron gets a fairy wand for her Christening.

***disclaimer: all items are re-giftable

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming

Due to circumstances beyond my control, only 1 of which was an inability to breathe, I canceled my visits today and went swimming. I am renewing my friendships with the geriatric community. I mimic the exercises they do, I sympathize with their aches and pains, and the old ladies wanted to know all about my fabulous pool bag. One woman in particular had lots of useful advice about pregnancy and swimming. She had 5 pregnancies and her doctor told her swimming was the best thing she could do. Good to know. It's got to at least help with the intense rage that I feel over the lack of control I have in my life, particularly my own body and it's inability to pick up anything that I drop on the floor.

I HATE Being Pregnant

I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I need downtime. Soon.
I need to run. Or do yoga. Or something.
Still waiting on the goggles so I can maybe swim.
I need to get lost for an hour or my brain is going to explode.
My usual methods are not available.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Once I again I woke up unable to move my neck. Dropped another $110 at the Aveda salon for a pregnancy massage. I am hoping (once my new goggles arrive) swimming might help.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Cup O' Noodles

This kid cannot get enough salt! No interest in root bear and tasty cakes like big bro, just lettuce, salty soups, ice water... Maybe this one will like vegetables?

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Before Harry was born, I wanted everything sanitized. I wanted my car detailed and steam cleaned. Everything had to be perfect. Now, I realize kids are dirty. Kids are WHY things are dirty. They spill. They spit up. They leave bits and pieces of sand and sandwich and sneezes everywhere. This is also why I got teh minivan instead of the Mercedes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ticking away the moments that make up the dull day

Harry's very excited to be a big brother, and is doing his best to help make things ready for the arrival of his new sister. Unfortunately, he's yet to master his concept of time, and asks daily if she's here yet.

On the mend?

I am feeling a little nauseous right now, but overall my meds seem to work somewhat well now. I made it to the Ren Fest Sunday, and the Pumpkin Patch yesterday. I no longer hide in bed thinking evil thoughts about my doctor (the person I irrationally blame for all misery).

Monday, October 15, 2007


Made it to IKEA on Sunday. Got a changing table/dresser and a wardrobe. Also got a nice cream colored rug. Oh, and a toy chest. We may not paint the room after all. It's looking pretty good.
No help from big brother at IKEA. He's a bit unstable of late. Ran through the store screaming "No" and then hid behind some rugs. Lovely. I am used to crazies...although normally we can medicate them. This time, all I could really say was "Dude. Wow."
Crazy big brother was a model citizen on Sunday at the MD Ren. Fest. He enjoyed the joust and had his first two pony rides. And a big pretzel. It was his 4th trip to the festival, and we are looking forward to taking Ainsley next year.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Still stuck on the umbilical cord...

but now I want to run to IKEA and get new furniture to match teh crib. I am obsessed with teh idea now! That, and salad with Blue Cheese dressing.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My latest obsession

I am freaked out to no end about umbilical cords getting wrapped around body parts.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It's October.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Well kiddo, your bed's all put together. Daddy's got a very sizable blood-blister on his left middle-finger, thanks to Mr Ikea's stellar bed-slat installation design. Thankfully after the hammer hit me, it stayed in my hand, and didn't go flying across the living room in your brother's direction, or it would have an even worse day.

I beleive next up on the punch list, is getting you some new color for the walls... Mommy's working on the paint scheme, and I'll get going with the brushes and roller soon after.

Your brother seems to be having some issues with things in his closet right now, hopefully that'll be over soon. I'm sure you've also heard him screaming a lot for no apparent reason. Rest assured, it's not something you'll get away with much around here, and you can thank him for making us very unsympathetic to it once you're ready.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Ainsley's curtains and crib comforter have arrived. I've got to say, I don't understand crib comforters. They don't actually fit inside the crib! Maybe I am just not domestic enough, and someone can explain it to me.
The comforter has a raspberry toile-ish pattern on one side, and is a celery color with cream stars on the other. The trim has raspberry and celery colored diamond shapes. Can't wait to get the room painted. It may end up being a cream color...but I am sure we can find one that won't look like a rental house.
Also sorted through the 0-3 bin in the basement. In case Kevin is wondering why we already have so many pink things...I bought them 4 years ago. Some were re-gifted but I kept the super cute ones (I have some other bows and dresses in the closet from Purple Goose). Friend M. is pregnant and insisted that I send her the stuff I would have taken to Goodwill, even though she doesn't know if she'll have a boy. A few were kept aside to save for Harry....his coming home outfit, a cute shortset from the Kersantys, his baby blessing outfit...I say I was happy to empty the bins, but it was kind of fun really. Both nostalgic, and, well...a shopping spree!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

And off we go...

Getting a little more of a jump than on the original, I hope big brother doesn't mind...