Monday, January 28, 2008

Kind of Nice!

As Kevin mentioned on Harry's World, some friends threw me a shower this weekend. I was kind of against it at first. It is Baby #2, we don't need too many things, I didn't want to be greedy...It was really fun though! It ended up being a small group, partially because I didn't want world's colliding, I didn't want to be responsible for introductions, still didn't want to seem greedy...but also because Tara had her third bout of flu, Barb's on bedrest and Sydney's shifts at work got mixed up. Instead, I got to hang out with just a few friends that I haven't been out of the house to see in many weeks. Another plus is that all of us have kids under the age of 4 (Harry is the oldest). I pride myself on having all types of friends, of all ages, genders, etc...but it's kind of nice to be around people who are exactly like me for a change. It's just easy. Plus, it helped me to feel like less of a freak. Having a kid now is not exactly the same as having a kid even ten years ago. And even though some of my other friends have little kids, they are done having more, and exercising a lot, which just makes me feel bad and, well, fat. Even though we've made friends with some Abracadabra parents, and even though 3 of them are also expecting babies in February, naturally, most of the talk surrounds life with preschoolers. It was a nice change of pace to hear from other neurotic moms who check the baby monitor every hour (okay, that was a dad), or do the hand on the chest to check for breathing test, or are concerned with the poisoned gases in baby bottles and sippy was even nice to pick up a few hand me downs this time around, like a $200 diaper bag :-)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Correction, only 2 parents are expecting. Taryn's a big sister now, and Sadie will be an Abra Munchkin with Ainsley!