Monday, February 23, 2009

Where'd the year go?

Like Deja Vu all over again...

It really seems like last week that Grandma and Meghan were in town... only last time it was to help out with Harry & Bailey while Kim and I headed over to the hospital to bring home Harry's new little sister.

This time it was to celebrate Ainsley Mae's big first Solar lap. It's been kind of crazy that a whole year has gone by. This time last year, I was easing myself into a new role at a new job with a new company. I was getting used to going to work by train every day, Harry was eagerly awaiting his sister, with I'm sure little understanding of what was to come next.

So here we are, and I'm easing into a new role at a new job with the same company, getting used to driving to work every day again, only this time in a "new" set of wheels (yes I've succumbed to the realm of the minivan...). Harry now eagerly awaits heading to pick up his sister after school, with clear expectations of how the afernoon should progress.

Ainsley, however, is about as easy-going as they come. She's loving her own new experiences like the Little Gym, doing her best to start standing on her own (I see a few steps in the near future), and a quick painless transition off of bottles and formula!

Now granted she's got her own little funks lately like repeatedly tossing her sippy cups overboard during dinner, and really preferring Mommy holding her over just about anyone else.

Although we've got just as much (if not more) photographic evidence of everything we've done over the last year, including plenty of FBF outings, several road trips (even Ainsley's first to Folly Beach shortly after her arrival), it's all been quite a blur.

Can't wait to see what next year brings!!!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I'm loving your use of "FBF!"