Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

Along with relaxing with an ice cold beverage, Ainsley spent two days at the pool. Saturday was at "Tylenol's" pool (that would be Tyler Lynch) and the second at Highland Park. She knows how to party, as well as how to turn use her words creatively.

Can you swim me?

Friday, May 28, 2010


Ainsley came home from Menike's with 2 barrettes in her hair. I have been struggling for, oh, 2 years to get her to wear a bow. What's the secret here?
I told her that if she would wear barrettes she wouldn't have to get her hair cut tomorrow.
I want my hair cut!

Hmmm...You know, Ainsley, you can have a lollipop without getting a haircut.
In all innocence:
You can?

2 barrettes!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today at daycare...

Everett was not happy that I arrived before his mom or dad. He was getting upset. Ainsley took his hand and t old him "It's okay Everett. Your daddy will be here soon."

Monday, May 24, 2010

Phrase of the Day

No, Daddy, you're not a princess. I'm the princess!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It Keeps Getting Better!

I was snoozing this morning while Ainsley and Harry watched Prep & Landing for the 90,000 time (Ainsley's choice) and Kevin was out riding his bike. Ainsley likes company. AInsley also likes Mommy to Tivo commercials. "Wake up Mommy!...No napping!...Cockadoodle-doooooo!!!!!"
She cockadoodledooed me! Seriously! I love the brilliant logic of my 2 year old. And it worked like a charm. How can a person sleep after that? I was too busy laughing!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

"I want to go outside with my magnifying glass and look for bugs."

Word for word.
Is this not a usual sentence for a 27 month old to articulate? It is at our house.
I thought the waiter was going to pass out last night when I asked her if she wanted apple juice or pineapple. "Mmmm...pineapple," she said clearly, after contemplating for a moment. Dutiful waiter looked like he was humoring us as we let our baby pretend to place her own order. Nope. Not Ainsley. Not sure if I mentioned when we went to dinner back in March, she walked in and immediately told the hostess "I need a high chair."
She also wants to play with other kids, not just next to them. She tells them clearly what she wants. "Will you spin with me?" or "Would you like to run in the grass with me, Samuel?"
She's really very funny! She is a pleasure to hang out with and to talk to. She listens to everything and follows directions well. She is just a little mini person. It's almost sad that she's never really been a little baby! She has always seemed all knowing.

May 20, 2010
K:"It seems kind of late for the tiger lilies not to have bloomed yet."
A: "Yeah. I think so too."

Friday, May 21, 2010

Go Climb a Tree!

Up at Harry's soccer practice field there is a lovely tree. It is perfect for climbing with lots of ladder-like branches. Perfect for climbing ... UP that is. The branches are few and far between when you are trying to get back down! Oh, and said tree is located over a dry river bed full of rocks! Nice! The kids love to climb it. Yesterday was Ainsley's turn to ask "Can I climb the tree, Mah-my?" Uh- no! "I can do it!" Oh, I am sure you can...but I wasn't ready for that line to come back and bite me!
She did spinning instead. Unfortunately her spinning buddies Kira and Olivia were not available. Lucenna gave it a go but it was apparently not her thing. I bailed out gracefully. Great time to end practice!
This was Harry's last soccer practice of the season. Next year will change, since co-ed will cease. We're going to miss the team as a whole, and I know Ainsley will miss the friends she has made. Luckily we will still see them at the pool.
I have to say I have enjoyed my time with her at the park. I haven't seen Harry play much soccer, but I've seen Ainsley swing and slide and swing and play in sand and swing...and even play a little soccer.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wise beyond her years...

Menike informed me the other day how grateful she is that we paint Ainsley's nails...apparently it consumes much of the discussion time. It's always a great fallback topic...and has been for months! Pink toenails is nothing new. Ainsley has even been known to paint my nails...and the fact is she did a great job! She is also the first to notice a new pedicure. It seems to me she knows it's happened before she even sees it. Pedicure radar.
She also notices things like, oh...expensive dress boutiques from a block away. In full southern accent: Dresses, Daaad-dy!
Ainsley loves books, she loves Dora, she loves discussing best/worst part of our day...she loves a good story, In fact, on a whim (and because none of our videos were re-wound) I popped a Baby Einstein video in the TV last week. "What's THIS? I need a story!"
This weekend we took a family trip to the Joint Forces Air Show at Andrews AFB. For someone who is so observant, she was not at all impressed with the large aircraft or stunt planes. That is, not until I pointed out the "diamond in the sky." BIG applause for that! "Yaaay! Clap Mommy! Clap!"
Yesterday, she had just arrived home as I was heading out the door with Harry. "You take Harry to karate Mooom-my? O-kaaay." Still with southern drawl, as she lay back on the sofa, feet on a pillow, arms folded behind her head, watching a show (Arthur...NOT Baby Einstein!).
She is just lovely :-)