Friday, May 21, 2010

Go Climb a Tree!

Up at Harry's soccer practice field there is a lovely tree. It is perfect for climbing with lots of ladder-like branches. Perfect for climbing ... UP that is. The branches are few and far between when you are trying to get back down! Oh, and said tree is located over a dry river bed full of rocks! Nice! The kids love to climb it. Yesterday was Ainsley's turn to ask "Can I climb the tree, Mah-my?" Uh- no! "I can do it!" Oh, I am sure you can...but I wasn't ready for that line to come back and bite me!
She did spinning instead. Unfortunately her spinning buddies Kira and Olivia were not available. Lucenna gave it a go but it was apparently not her thing. I bailed out gracefully. Great time to end practice!
This was Harry's last soccer practice of the season. Next year will change, since co-ed will cease. We're going to miss the team as a whole, and I know Ainsley will miss the friends she has made. Luckily we will still see them at the pool.
I have to say I have enjoyed my time with her at the park. I haven't seen Harry play much soccer, but I've seen Ainsley swing and slide and swing and play in sand and swing...and even play a little soccer.

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