Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wise beyond her years...

Menike informed me the other day how grateful she is that we paint Ainsley's nails...apparently it consumes much of the discussion time. It's always a great fallback topic...and has been for months! Pink toenails is nothing new. Ainsley has even been known to paint my nails...and the fact is she did a great job! She is also the first to notice a new pedicure. It seems to me she knows it's happened before she even sees it. Pedicure radar.
She also notices things like, oh...expensive dress boutiques from a block away. In full southern accent: Dresses, Daaad-dy!
Ainsley loves books, she loves Dora, she loves discussing best/worst part of our day...she loves a good story, In fact, on a whim (and because none of our videos were re-wound) I popped a Baby Einstein video in the TV last week. "What's THIS? I need a story!"
This weekend we took a family trip to the Joint Forces Air Show at Andrews AFB. For someone who is so observant, she was not at all impressed with the large aircraft or stunt planes. That is, not until I pointed out the "diamond in the sky." BIG applause for that! "Yaaay! Clap Mommy! Clap!"
Yesterday, she had just arrived home as I was heading out the door with Harry. "You take Harry to karate Mooom-my? O-kaaay." Still with southern drawl, as she lay back on the sofa, feet on a pillow, arms folded behind her head, watching a show (Arthur...NOT Baby Einstein!).
She is just lovely :-)

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