Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Curious Tidbit

It occurred to me just yesterday that for pretty much all of the working moms I know, it is more often the dads who will help out in a pinch. I listened to some Abra moms talk about their dads helping out during spring break, I read in Working Mother magazine all the time about dads coming to baby sit when baby-sitters don't show, and even today my dental hygenist said only her dad was willing to drop everything and assume daycare responsibilities for her newborn. He wanted to. Both moms said no way. They were at the height of their careers and weren't ready to babysit. Plus, they wanted to be grandmas, not raise more babies. Maybe it's a simple issue of "been there/done that" with the added combination of "never been there/never did that/want to see what all of the fuss is about!"
I can't say this is strictly the case for us, because in a jam (weddings) we've received sitter-care from all parties, particularly from my mom when Harry was born and from Kevin's mom (or "Daddy's Mom", as Harry has now started calling her...long story) when Harry broke his leg and again when Ainsley was born. I know my dad will always help out though. Then again, maybe daughters are just more demanding of their dads. Or dads are suckers. There are so many variables here, and I find it fascinating. Looks like Kevin can be my next guinea pig! Even older, female friends, however, who claim to want to babysit, blah, blah, blah...they are just too busy. Another idea, maybe we are just like the women we surround ourselves, and that's why we work to begin with.

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