Monday, April 14, 2008

Well kid at almost two months

2 months this Saturday!
Head: 15
Height: 20 1/2 (3rd...not even on the chart yet for percentiles!)
Weight: 10.6.7 (50%...and pretty much big enough now to skip the leg straps on the baby bjorn)

Ainsley is on track developmentally, but she has no routine yet. The doctor said it takes 6 weeks to develop a circadian rhythm, and since she was born two weeks early, we should give it another week and see what happens.

Aside from peeing on the scale, she was a perfect angel during her doctor visit, remaining calm during Harry's portion of the visit. She also had 4 shots, and cried for just a minute. Harry, however, hid under a table. He couldn't bear the thought of Ainsley getting boo-boos/shots/holes in her leg.


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