Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 2 at Miss Menike's

Dropped Ainsley off at 7:50. She was crying when we got there, most likely because I made her wear a hat, but we made her a bottle and Menike fed her. She ate like a rabid dog, just like usual. Yesterday she did just fine. She pretty much slept the whole day, and ate every 3 hours like clockwork. Menike was surprised by her consistency! She was up a lot last night though. She'll adjust.
What have I been doing while I leave my baby in the care of another? Yoga, gym, eyebrow wax later and lots of shopping. Sounds frivolous, but necessary. I am also midway through 900 loads of laundry and vacation packing for the entire family. The shopping is also necessary, since I don't actually have clothing that fits..and I have an empty AT credit card and a 20% off coupon. I don't usually like coupons....but it's 20%!
It's been asked why Ainsley is at daycare if I'm not working. Well, there's lots of stuff that needs to be done! And seriously, doesn't it make more sense to get her started and in a routine when I am NOT working? I can't imagine being focused on my first day of work if it's also Ainsley's first day in a strange environment. That would seem to me like poor planning.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Clothes shopping was somewhat successful. There's a lot to be said for clothes that fit!!!